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Schneider Electric injects new momentum into the intelligent development of warehousing and logistics in the petrochemical industry

Schneider Electric injects new momentum into the intelligent development of warehousing and logistics in the petrochemical industry

At the just-held 2023 National Petrochemical Intelligent Storage and Material Handling Technology Conference, Meng Qun, head of the logistics industry of Schneider Electric Industrial Automation China, was invited to attend, and discussed with industry experts the development trend of warehousing and logistics in the petrochemical industry, and shared Schneider Electric's Intelligent logistics solutions and rich industry application and practical experience.

The petrochemical industry is a pillar industry of the national economy and plays an important role in promoting the upgrading of national economic industries and stimulating economic growth. Entering the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, my country's petrochemical industry is ushering in a critical period of transformation and upgrading and high-quality development. A large number of super-large ethylene plants will be planned and constructed as an important part of petrochemical enterprises to achieve excellent operations. The upgrading and development of warehousing and logistics Much attention. Due to the constraints of land resources, labor resources and other conditions in recent years, as well as changes in the needs of downstream customers, the types of petrochemical products have diversified, and the production capacity of petrochemical enterprises has continued to increase. The accelerated transformation of smart warehousing and logistics centered on automated three-dimensional warehouses has become a topic that petrochemical companies must overcome.

Meng Qun, head of the logistics industry of Schneider Electric Industrial Automation China, delivered a speech

Meng Qun said, "Smart development of petrochemical warehousing and logistics is a major trend, an important measure for petrochemical companies to move towards mid-to-high end and accelerate transformation and upgrading, and it is also an inevitable choice to create competitive advantages under the new normal. Schneider Electric has a profound industry experience in the logistics industry. Insight, complete software and hardware product portfolio, and strong innovation capabilities can be quickly deployed with standardized, modular, and digital ideas to reduce project costs. At the same time, use innovative technologies to continuously enhance openness, management, and sustainability to help Petrochemical enterprises build flexible, easy-to-control, and environmentally friendly intelligent logistics systems."
Aiming at the key points of planning and construction of smart warehousing and logistics for petrochemical enterprises, Meng Qun believes that there are six main points, "First, pay attention to the preliminary planning and carry out synchronously with the design of the general plan of the factory; second, fully consider the transportation mode. , and the application of facilities and equipment has a greater impact. The third is to strictly control the construction quality of the automated warehouse to ensure stable operation. The fourth is to attach great importance to safety, environmental protection, and emergency design standards for fire protection systems. The fifth is to fully consider business during the upgrade process of warehousing and logistics Sixth, make full use of digital technology to open up all links from front-end processes to automated warehousing."
Schneider Electric always pays attention to the problems of the petrochemical industry and actively seeks solutions. At this meeting, Schneider Electric brought intelligent logistics solutions, provided powerful and complete software and hardware products and services, and empowered petrochemical companies from project planning to project commissioning and delivery in the project implementation stage. Among them, the EcoStruxure three-tier architecture for the logistics industry covers interconnected products, edge control and software, applications and digital services. Various solutions can be comprehensively applied to transportation and sorting, logistics equipment centralized control and management, and logistics system simulation. In other scenarios; the EcoStruxure open automation platform breaks the limitations of the existing system through the decoupling of software and hardware, realizes the integration of flexible automation solutions, easy deployment and rapid transformation methods, and in-depth application of algorithmic technologies, and promotes "plug and play" in the field of petrochemical logistics automation ", to promote the efficiency improvement of engineering design and operation in the field of petrochemical warehousing and logistics; in addition, as a scalable digital twin software solution, it supports customers to build models according to the real logistics flow and operation logic, and realize remote debugging while simulating, ensuring petrochemical Safe and efficient warehousing and logistics. It is worth noting that Schneider Electric's intelligent logistics solutions not only help enterprises realize intelligent logistics construction, but also internalize green energy consumption solutions, and introduce EMS+ energy efficiency management and digital operation and maintenance platforms, EMA micro-grid energy consultants, etc., to promote Enterprise sustainable development.

At present, more and more petrochemical companies are focusing on building smart petrochemical logistics and warehousing systems, and through the application of Schneider Electric's smart logistics solutions, they gradually realize efficient and safe operation of product off-line packaging, stacking, coating, loading and unloading, etc. Continuously improve the automation, informatization and systematization level of petrochemical logistics and warehousing.
Taking a conductive carbon black smart factory as an example, in order to realize automatic packaging, storage and handling, Schneider Electric digital solutions were adopted. Based on the overall solution, its factory can greatly save manpower handling costs and storage space; at the same time, it can save logistics and equipment costs by standardizing the packaging side and regularizing the cargo type; with the help of the packaging production management system and warehouse management system, the unified management of automation equipment Monitoring can realize efficient management and ensure the smooth operation of the system.
A world-leading pesticide and fertilizer manufacturing company plans to build an intelligent chemical factory. In order to complete the construction of intelligent systems such as automated logistics systems and multi-sensor information systems, it cooperates with Schneider Electric. Schneider Electric's intelligent logistics team accurately analyzes customer needs based on on-site research, and outputs consulting plans around lean, automation, digitalization, and sustainability. Based on Schneider Electric's consulting and planning, the factory established a standard production process, production and logistics automation standard system, a green and energy-saving management system, and at the same time obtained a clear digital factory construction path.
Under the development trend of intelligent manufacturing and digital upgrading, petrochemical enterprises have increasing demand for intelligent warehousing and logistics. Schneider Electric will promote the rapid upgrade of petrochemical enterprises' warehousing and logistics through software and hardware solutions and services covering the entire life cycle, and inject new momentum into the future development of the petrochemical industry.

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